Silver Birch Podcasts

The students in Woburn Jr.’s Boys and Girls Reading and Technology Clubs contacted authors of the nominated Silver Birch 2007 books, and interviewed them over the phone. Check out their podcasts! Some of them created Jeopardy games too!
Silverbirch Podcasts

Please give your comments on what you thought of the podcasts and games. We would appreciate a hurrah and a wish!

Historica Fair

Hi Historica Fans!

Today we had a great day at the Historica Fair.

Let me know your thoughts on the day. Which projects stood out among the 300? Could you imagine being a soldier in Old York and dancing in uniform? How did you feel about the judging process? What did you learn about yourself as a learner? What would you do differently next time? Any other thoughts?

Looking forward to hearing your reflections!

Mrs. P:)

Boys’ Read to Succeed Day!

Well, how did it go? Was the conference a fun and exciting experience? Who was your favourite? I really like Mike Forde – he is an incredible performer. Was the pizza yummy? Did Mr. Carsuo, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. James survive?

Tell me all about it!

Mrs. Papulkas:)

Girls’ Literacy Day!

What a great day today! It was so much fun in the library. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about today’s celebration.
What did you like the best? What should we change for next year? What were your favourites:
a) Supergirl Book
b) Pizza lunch
c) Blogging
d) Rukhsana Khan’s Presentation
e) Literacy Lootbags

P.S. IF you want to contact Rukhsana, visit her website at

Hello world!

Hi Everyone,

This is Woburn Jr.’s Blog where we can write about reading!

Write in your first blog about a book you have read recently and why you think others should read it!

Remember to be positive and friendly in your entries. Have Fun!

Mrs. Papulkas:)