Boys’ Read to Succeed Day!

Well, how did it go? Was the conference a fun and exciting experience? Who was your favourite? I really like Mike Forde – he is an incredible performer. Was the pizza yummy? Did Mr. Carsuo, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. James survive?

Tell me all about it!

Mrs. Papulkas:)

Girls’ Literacy Day!

What a great day today! It was so much fun in the library. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about today’s celebration.
What did you like the best? What should we change for next year? What were your favourites:
a) Supergirl Book
b) Pizza lunch
c) Blogging
d) Rukhsana Khan’s Presentation
e) Literacy Lootbags

P.S. IF you want to contact Rukhsana, visit her website at